Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Granville Studio

Granville Studio[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

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  • Name Granville Studio  
    Gender Unknown 
    Business Address/Year 1911-1916  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    544 Granville St.
    Vancouver, BC
    Business Address/Year 1917-1919  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    627 Granville St.
    Vancouver, BC
    Association Eckoff, A.T. (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Association Elsner, Erna C. (Relationship: Employee) 
    Association Elsner, Samuel (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Association Harding, Leopold Geoffrey (Relationship: Photographer) 
    Association Fricke and Schenck (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Association Schenck, George W. (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Person ID I921  Camera Workers | G, vol. 2, 1901-1950
    Last Modified 3 Jul 2024 

  • Photos
    Granville Studio portrait, 1911-1919.
    Granville Studio portrait, 1911-1919.
    The studio photograph, printed on postcard stock, depicts a man standing with his right hand on the back of a chair. The print is blind-embossed with the studio name, city and province.
    Granville Studio postcard back, 1911-1919.
    Granville Studio postcard back, 1911-1919.
    The photograph depicts a man standing with his right hand on the back of a chair. The blind-embossed stamp on the print surface is visible at the lower left edge.
    Granville Studio blind-embossed stamp, 1911-1919.
    Granville Studio blind-embossed stamp, 1911-1919.
    The stamp reads "The Granville Studio Vancouver, B.C." The photograph, printed on postcard stock, depicts a man standing with his right hand on the back of a chair.

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Studio.
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: This was the same address as Marsden's Photo Studio (1907-1908). Granville Studio was successively managed by Bertha A. Moore (1912); S. Elsner (1913-1914); Fricke and Schenck (1915-1916); G. Schenck (1917) and A.T. Eckoff (1918-1919).
    • FORMATS: Postcards.
    • IDENTIFYING MARKS: "The Granville Studio Vancouver, B.C." blind-embossed on print surface.

  • Sources 
    1. [S795] HENVAN11, (Vancouver: Henderson Publishing, 1911), 713.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio 544 Granville"

    2. [S797] HENVAN12, (Vancouver: Henderson Publishing, 1912), 805.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio Bertha A Moore mgr 544 Granville"

    3. [S746] HENVAN13, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1913), 868.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio Saml Elsner prop 544 Granville"

    4. [S747] HENVAN14, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1914), 867.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio Saml Elsner prop 544 Granville"

    5. [S748] HENVAN15, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1915), 675.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio Fricke & Schenck props 544 Granville"

    6. [S749] HENVAN16, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1916), 645.
      "Granville Studio G Schenck and G Fricke props 544 Granville"

    7. [S750] HENVAN17, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1917), 520.
      "Granville Studio Geo Schenck prop 627 Granville"

    8. [S751] HENVAN18, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1918), 547.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio A T Ecoff prop 625 Granville"

    9. [S740] WRI18, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1918), 623.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio A T Eckoff prop 627 Gran"

    10. [S738] WRI19, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1919), 831.
      Vancouver: "Granville Studio 'Photo Portraits.' A.T. Eckhoff, Prop. 627 Granville."

    11. [S753] HENVAN20, (Vancouver: Henderson Directory Co., 1920).
      Vancouver: Not listed in alphabetical section or street directory