Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Allen, Edward P.[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


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  • Name Allen, Edward P. 
    Gender Male 
    Home Address/Year 1897  Chicago, IL Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Chicago, IL
    Where Active (Non-Specific Address) 1897  Queen Charlotte Islands, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    07 Jul to Sep? 1897 
    Where Active (Non-Specific Address) 1897  Northwest Coast, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Travelled from Chicago to Victoria between 11 May to 19 Jun 1897, reached Port Simpson on 30 Jun 1897; left Port Simpson for Masset on 3 Jul 1897. 
    Person ID I12  Camera Workers | A, vol. 1, 1858-1900
    Last Modified 18 Dec 2016 

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Institutional (visit).
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: Allen was a photographer with the Field Columbian Museum (now the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago), and accompanied George Amos Dorsey, ethnographer, on a collecting expedition which began on 11 or 12 May 1897 and lasted four months. According to the 1897 annual report of the museum, the pair visited Blackfoot, Kootenay, Flathead, Haida, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Moki and Zuni tribes in Alberta, Washington, British Columbia and the U.S. Southwest. Only one photograph in the Northwest Coast research album for the 1897 expedition bears Allen's imprint.
    • IDENTIFYING MARKS: "Edward P. Allen, Photographer."

  • Sources 
    1. [S144] COLLECTION: FMNH (Reliability: 3).

    2. [S270] George Amos Dorsey, Dorsey (1898), (Appleton's Popular Science Monthly (June 1898):1-15), NWp 970.3 D718.
      "On May 11th of this year [1897], accompanied by Mr. E.P. Allen, the museum photographer, I left Chicago for a four months' tour among the Indians of the far West.", p. 1
      "For a lecture delivered in the Field Columbian Museum, November 6, 1897", p. 1.

    3. [S210] Blackman, Margaret B., Blackman (1981-82), (BC Studies no. 52 (Winter 1981-82):86-112), 102.

    4. [S429] Richard J. Huyda, Huyda (1983), (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983).

    5. [S692] Correspondence, David Mattison, 19 Apr 1983, Letter, Field Museum of Natural History to Mattison (Reliability: 2).
      The photocopy of the Field Museum's annual report (v. 1, no. 3, Oct 1897, p. 186) included with the reply to David Mattison states that "On May 12th, Mr. George A. Dorsey, Assistant Curator of Anthropology, accompanied by Mr. Edward P. Allen, Photographer of the Museum, left Chicago for a four months' trip among the Indians of the far West."