Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Golding, Robert C.T.[1, 2, 3]


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  • Name Golding, Robert C.T. 
    Gender Male 
    Business Address/Year 1949  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    850 Fort St.
    Victoria, BC
    Business Address/Year 1950-1951  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    566 Michigan St.
    BC Government Travel Bureau, Photographic Branch
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1948-1951  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1035 Victoria
    Victoria, BC
    Person ID I1100  Camera Workers | G, vol. 2, 1901-1950
    Last Modified 28 Jul 2017 

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Commercial.
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: After having conducted his own business as a photographer for a year or two, he went to work for the BC Government Travel Bureau as a studio assistant in 1950-1951.

  • Sources 
    1. [S780] SUN48, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1948), 1442.
      Victoria: "Golding Robt slsmn Genl Whse r 1035 Victoria"

    2. [S991] SUNVIC49, (Vancouver, BC: Sun Directories, 1949), 177.
      "Golding Robt C T photog 850 Fort r 1035 Victoria"

    3. [S992] BCVIC50, (Vancouver, BC: B.C. Directories, 1950), 249.
      Victoria: "Golding Robt C T studio asst BC Travel Bur r 1035 Victoria"