Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Cartmel, Frederick Warren[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

Male 1914 - 2002  (87 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name Cartmel, Frederick Warren 
    • VARIANT NAMES: Cartmel, F. Warren; Cartmel, Warren.
    Birth 24 Mar 1914  Nelson, BC Find all individuals with events at this location  [17, 18
    Gender Male 
    Marriage 30 Mar 1939  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    Bride: Mildred Evelyn Cassan 
    • At the time of their marriage he lived in Atlin, BC, and worked as a photographer.
    Business Address/Year 1937-1941  Atlin, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Business Address/Year 1942-1943  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    581 Granville St.
    Campbell Studio
    Vancouver, BC
    Business Address/Year 1944  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Address undetermined 
    Business Address/Year 1947-1950  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Continued past 1950 
    833 Granville St.
    Artona Studio
    Vancouver, BC
    Death 4 Feb 2002  San Francisco, CA Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    Association Artona Studio (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Association Campbell Studio (Vancouver, BC) (Relationship: Photographer) 
    Person ID I2142  Camera Workers | C, vol. 2, 1901-1950
    Last Modified 8 Jul 2021 

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Commercial.
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: He worked as a photographer in Atlin before moving to Vancouver where he eventually owned and operated the Artona Studio after honing his portraiture skills at the Campbell Studio.

  • Sources 
    1. [S770] SUN36, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1936).
      Atlin: not listed

    2. [S771] SUN37, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1937), 47.
      Atlin: Cartmell [sic] Warren photog

    3. [S772] SUN38, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1938), 46.
      Atlin: Cartmel Warren photog

    4. [S773] SUN39, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1939), 14.
      Atlin: Cartmel Warren photog

    5. [S774] SUN40, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1940), 16.
      Atlin: Cartmel Fred W photog

    6. [S775] SUN41, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1941), 15.
      Atlin: Cartmel Fred W photog

    7. [S776] SUN42, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1942), 563.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred E) photog Campbell Studio h 2, 925 Bute
      Atlin: not listed

    8. [S777] SUN43, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1943), 571.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred E) photog Campbell Studio h 305, 1131 Barclay

    9. [S778] SUN44, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1944), 555.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred E) photog h 305, 1131 Barclay

    10. [S779] SUN45, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1945).
      Vancouver: not listed

    11. [S714] SUN46, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1946).
      Vancouver: not listed

    12. [S715] SUN47, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1947), 589.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren prop Artona Portrait Studio r 1548 Haro

    13. [S780] SUN48, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1948), 440.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred) prop Artona Portrait Studio h 1, 1131 Barclay

    14. [S811] BCVAN49, (Vancouver: B.C. Directories, [1949?]), 123.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred) prop Artona Portrait Studio h 1, 1131 Barclay

    15. [S808] BCVAN50, (Vancouver : B.C. Directories, 1950), 123.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred) prop Artona Portrait Studio h 1, 1131 Barclay

    16. [S1025] BCVAN51, (Vancouver, BC: B.C. Directories, 1951), 122.
      Vancouver: Cartmel F Warren (Mildred) prop Artona Portrait Studio h 801, 1131 Barclay

    17. [S670] BVIPA marriage registration.
      Registration no. 1939-09-470338; digital facsimile URL (accessed 7 Jul 2021):

    18. [S924] (Web site).
      Frederick Warren Cartmel [family tree]
      URL (accessed 7 Jul 2021):