Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Mayfair Studio (Vancouver)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]

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  • Name Mayfair Studio (Vancouver)  
    Gender Unknown 
    Business Address/Year 1939-1947  Vancouver, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    822 Howe St.
    Vancouver, BC
    Association Brown, William Thomas (Relationship: Photographer; Manager) 
    Association Brewer, Frederic David (Relationship: Proprietor; Photographer) 
    Association Brewer, George H. (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Person ID I2100  Camera Workers | M, vol. 2, 1901-1950
    Last Modified 4 Aug 2021 

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Studio.
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: Chiefly operated by F.D. Brewer, W.T. Brown was also listed in the business directory as a photographer in 1940 and the manager in 1941.

  • Sources 
    1. [S772] SUN38, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1938).
      Vancouver: not listed

    2. [S773] SUN39, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1939), 860.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (The) (G H Brewer) photog 822 Howe

    3. [S774] SUN40, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1940), 868.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (G H Brewer) photog 822 Howe

    4. [S775] SUN41, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1941), 875.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio W T Brown mgr photog 822 Howe

    5. [S776] SUN42, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1942), 903.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    6. [S777] SUN43, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1943), 939.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    7. [S778] SUN44, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1944), 888.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    8. [S779] SUN45, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1945), 899.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    9. [S714] SUN46, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1946), 995.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    10. [S715] SUN47, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1947), 877.
      Vancouver: Mayfair Studio (F D Brewer) photogs 822 Howe

    11. [S780] SUN48, (Vancouver: Sun Directories, 1948).
      Vancouver: not listed