Camera Workers, 1858-1950

The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950

Russell, Sidney Gordon[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]


Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name Russell, Sidney Gordon 
    • VARIANT NAME: Russell, S.G.; Russell, S.J.; Russell, W.G.
    Gender Male 
    Business Address/Year 1909-1910  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    640 Fort St.
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1911  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    2681 Douglas St.
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1912  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    909 Government St.
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1913  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1305 Douglas St.
    Clarence Hotel
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1914  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    909 Government St.
    Victoria, BC
    Business Address/Year 1911-1917  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    909 Government St.
    Elite Studio (Victoria : II)
    Victoria, BC
    Home Address/Year 1915-1917  Victoria, BC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1305 Douglas St.
    Clarence Hotel
    Victoria, BC
    Association Elite Studio (Victoria : II) (Relationship: Proprietor) 
    Person ID I1705  Camera Workers | R, vol. 2, 1901-1950
    Last Modified 27 May 2020 

  • Notes 
    • STATUS: Commercial.
    • BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: He or a relative of the same age (38 in 1905-1906, also a photographer and also born in Canada) appear to have made regular trips in 1905-1906 from the Puget Sound area (Port Townsend and Seattle, WA) to Victoria and Vancouver.
      He operated the Elite Studio (Victoria : II) (1910-1912).
      An S.G. Russell, perhaps the same individual, died in Victoria on 11 Jan 1923, age 62. [22]

  • Sources 
    1. [S339] Voters List, (Victoria, B.C.: Province of British Columbia, 1874-), 1908, 1920, Ref. NW 324.1 B862.

    2. [S789] HENVIC08, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1908).
      Victoria: not listed

    3. [S792] PROVI09, (Victoria: Provincial Publishing, 1909), 533.
      Victoria: Russell Sidney G. photographer 640 Fort

    4. [S732] HEN10, (Vancouver: Henderson Publishing, 1910), 1334.
      Victoria: Russell W [i.e. S] G photographer 640 Fort

    5. [S793] HENVIC10, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1911), 354.
      Victoria: Russell Sidney G prop Elite Studio lvs 2618 Douglas

    6. [S796] HENVIC12, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1912), 571.
      Victoria: Russell Sidney G prop Elite Studio 909 Government h same

    7. [S798] HENVIC13, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1913).
      Victoria: not listed

    8. [S745] HENVIC14, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1914).
      Victoria: not listed

    9. [S801] TREVIC14, (Victoria: Tregillus-Thompson Ltd., 1914).
      Victoria: not listed

    10. [S802] HENVIC15, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1915), 515.
      Victoria: Russell S G prop Elite Studio r Clarence Hotel

    11. [S803] HENVIC17, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1917), 511.
      Victoria: Russell F [i.e. S] G prop Elite Studio r Clarence Hotel

    12. [S804] HENVIC18, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1918).
      Victoria: not listed

    13. [S738] WRI19, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1919).
      Victoria: not listed

    14. [S740] WRI18, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1918).
      Victoria: not listed

    15. [S805] HENVIC20, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1920), 462.
      Victoria: Russell S G r 655 Yates

    16. [S739] WRI20, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1920).
      Victoria: not listed

    17. [S806] HENVIC21, (Victoria: Henderson Publishing, 1921), 512.
      Victoria: Russell S J [i.e. G] night clk James Bay Hotel

    18. [S741] WRI21, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1921).
      Victoria: not listed

    19. [S742] WRI22, (Vancouver, BC: Wrigley Directories, c1922).
      Victoria: not listed

    20. [S809] WRI23, (Vancouver: Wrigley Directories, 1923).
      Victoria: not listed

    21. [S757] WRI24, (Vancouver: Wrigley Directories, 1924).
      Victoria: not listed

    22. [S924] (Web site).
      Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935